+61 452 119 513 [email protected]

Fire Ant Solutions

Fire Ant Solutions are your local Queensland based, trusted and effective fire ant eradication specialists, removing the threat of Fire Ants. Safeguard your property and family from Fire Ants in Brisbane, on the Gold Coast and surrounding South East Queensland locations.

Fire Ant Control

Fire Ant Solutions are your local Queensland based, trusted and effective fire ant eradication specialists, removing the threat of Fire Ants. Safeguard your property and family from Fire Ants in Brisbane, on the Gold Coast and surrounding South East Queensland locations.

Fire Ant Eradication

Fire Ant Solutions are your local Queensland based, trusted and effective fire ant eradication specialists, removing the threat of Fire Ants. Safeguard your property and family from Fire Ants in Brisbane, on the Gold Coast and surrounding South East Queensland locations.

Fire Ants Removal &
Eradication Solutions

Queenslanders are legally required to report suspected sightings of fire ants within 24 hours of their discovery, and depending on the nests location take action to treat the pest. If you do not do this, penalties may apply. At Fire Ant Solutions we assess, advise and remove the threat to you and your family.

Property Solutions

Residential solutions

Commercial solutions

Rural Solutions

We need to work together to check every property for fire ants. One missed nest will jeopardise national eradication efforts. Remove the threat to you, your family and your property today! Schedule a call below for fast, friendly, expert advice today!​

Have an Invasive Fire Ant Problem?

Fire Ant Eradication Solutions

Removing the Threat of Invasive Fire Ants for You, Your Family, Your Property and Your Peace of Mind

Fire Ant Threats

Have a Crazy Yellow Ants Problem?

Emergency Fire Ant Eradication services

Fire Ants
Eradication Solutions

Queenslanders are legally required to immediately report any suspected sightings of fire ants within a maximum of 24 hours of their discovery. In addition, depending on the location of the nests, it is crucial to take appropriate actions to effectively treat this pest. Failure to comply with these requirements and take action may result in penalties being imposed in accordance with the law.

A new outbreak of fire ants has been recently detected in Queensland, raising concerns and calling for a review of funding allocation to effectively address this issue and prevent its further spread.

Fire Ants, Gold Coast

The National Fire Ant Eradication Program aims to find, contain and destroy fire ants in South East Queensland. Our 10-year Eradication Plan involves an intensive and targeted eradication effort over South East Queensland, spanning from Lockyer Valley in the west to Redlands in the east, north to Moreton Bay and south to the Gold Coast.

Fire Ants, Brisbane

The National Fire Ant Eradication Program aims to find, contain and destroy fire ants in South East Queensland. Our 10-year Eradication Plan involves an intensive and targeted eradication effort over South East Queensland, spanning from Lockyer Valley in the west to Redlands in the east, north to Moreton Bay and south to the Gold Coast.

Fire Ant Control

Red imported fire ant (RIFA) (Solenopsis invicta) is one of the worst invasive species to reach Australia. 

Red imported fire ants can: 

  • impact our environment and many industries, including agriculture 
  • restrict everyday activities such as barbeques, picnics, and sporting events
  • inflict painful stings on people, pets, and livestock
  • cause extensive damage to ecological and agricultural systems.

Red imported fire ants are a category 1 restricted matter under the National Environmental Biosecurity Response Agreement.

Yellow Crazy Ants

Yellow crazy ants are on the list of the world’s 100 worst invasive species. 

They are a highly aggressive species, and have made their way into Australia through our ports. After first arriving on Christmas island sometime before 1934, yellow crazy ants have since been recorded in Queensland, the Northern Territory and NSW. They now threaten areas like Queensland’s Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, the oldest continuously surviving tropical rainforests on the planet. 

Yellow crazy ants do not bite. Instead, they spray formic acid to blind and kill their prey. And although they’re tiny, they can swarm in great numbers, killing much larger animals like lizards, frogs, small mammals, turtle hatchlings and bird chicks and reshaping entire ecosystems. 

Overseas, in places like the Johnston Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, yellow crazy ants have killed and deformed large numbers of chicks in seabird colonies by constantly spraying them with acid. 

But the numbers and impacts of yellow crazy ants fluctuate depending on local environmental conditions. And northern Queensland’s Wet Tropics just happen to be their ideal habitat. If not stopped in their tracks they could threaten Queensland with economic and ecological disaster, putting the state’s sugar cane and tourism industries  at risk and threatening devastating impacts on local communities. 

*Invasives Species Council

Fire Ants, Gold Coast

The National Fire Ant Eradication Program aims to find, contain and destroy fire ants in South East Queensland. Our 10-year Eradication Plan involves an intensive and targeted eradication effort over South East Queensland, spanning from Lockyer Valley in the west to Redlands in the east, north to Moreton Bay and south to the Gold Coast.

Fire Ants Eradication Solutions

Remove Fire Ants

Fire Ants FAQ’S

What Months Are Fire Ants Most Active?

Fire Ants are most active during Spring & Autumn, when soil is warm, and the weather is mild.

What is the Average Lifespan of a Fire Ant?

Workers 4 to 6 weeks. Fire Ant Queens can live up to 7 years.

Do Fire Ants Sleep At Night?

Fire Ants do. Fire Ant Queens sleep for an average of 9 hours a day.

What is the Difference Between A Red Ant & A Fire Ant?

Fire Ants are much smaller than your average red ant – about 2mm to 6mm in size. Fire Ants also have two petioles. These are small bumps on the back of their bodies. If you’re close enough to notice this detail, they’re probably already stinging you.

What Does A Queen Fire Ant Look Like?

Fire Ant Queens will have a large head & thorax that make them standout from normal workers.

How Do Fire Ants Spread?

Fire Ants can also spread when people move: materials such as soil, hay, mulch, manure, quarry products, turf and potted plant.They also raft float on themselves) on rivers and streams.

Can a Fire Ant Fly?

A Fire Ant Queen can fly up to 5 km’s and up to 30 km’s – wind assisted.

What is The Immediate Treatment For Fire Ants?

Taking an oral antihistamine may help the itchiness. Applying hydrocortisone cream on the affected skin two times a day should help reduce itchiness and the rash. Using cold compresses (ice packs) as needed can help reduce pain and swelling. If there is an allergic reaction seek medical help immediately

How Do I Find A Fire Ant Next?

How to Identify Fire Ant Mounds. Fire Ants usually build their mounds in open, sunny areas. The fluffy mounds often pop up right after rainfall or in irrigated lawns. Unlike other types of ant mounds, undisturbed Fire Ant mounds don’t have any visible entry or exit holes.

Saving you time.
Saving you money.
Protecting you from Fire Ants!

No More Fire Ants!